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整理自:Thinking in C++

Complex copy-construction

这里说的 complex,意思是包含 object 的 object。比如:

class T {

class V {
	T t;

int main() {
	T t;
	V v(t);

那么在 copy v 的时候,t 的 copy 由谁来负责呢?其实不用担心,v 的 copy-constructor 会自动调用 t 的 copy-constructor,形成 copy-constructor 的 chain。

Preventing copy-construction

There’s a simple technique for preventing pass-by-value: declare a private copy-constructor.

class T {
	T(const T&); // Prevent copy-construction

No definition is necessary because it never gets called, unless one of your member functions or a friend function needs to perform a pass-by-value.
