pdb: Your interactive python debugger
Effective Python Item 57: Consider Interactive Debugging with pdb
Effective Python Item 57: Consider Interactive Debugging with pdb
Effective Python Item 33: Validate Subclasses with Metaclasses
这一篇的内容在 Digest of Fluent Python: 7.4 Variable Scope Rules 和 Python: Variable scope in if-statement 都有讲到,但是 Effective Python 的 Item 15: Know How Closures Inte...
Python Tips: 19. For - Else:
参 Effective Python Item 25: Initialize Parent Classes with super。
参 Effective Python Item 21: Enforce Clarity with Keyword-Only Arguments 和 PEP 3102 – Keyword-Only Arguments。
You CANNOT access each row’s index via lambda x: x.index in DataFrame.apply(axis=1) because apply treats each row as a numpy object, not a Series. However yo...
The inconsistency among the unlabeled examples:
next(coro) == coro.send(None)