Python 3: Keyword-Only Arguments
参 Effective Python Item 21: Enforce Clarity with Keyword-Only Arguments 和 PEP 3102 – Keyword-Only Arguments。
参 Effective Python Item 21: Enforce Clarity with Keyword-Only Arguments 和 PEP 3102 – Keyword-Only Arguments。
You CANNOT access each row’s index via lambda x: x.index in DataFrame.apply(axis=1) because apply treats each row as a numpy object, not a Series. However yo...
The inconsistency among the unlabeled examples:
next(coro) == coro.send(None)
The fact is that we often take the .send() sematics of coroutines too seriosly that we simply ignore the possibility to use them just like generators.
This is trivial but sometimes misleading.
1. raise-statement in Python 2
简单说一下。except 可以接一个 tuple 表示捕捉多种类型的异常,也可以不带任何参数表示捕捉 everything(当然这是一个 anti-pattern)。