Terminology Recap: Generative Models / Discriminative Models / Frequentist Machine Learning / Bayesian Machine Learning / Supervised Learning / Unsupervised Learning / Linear Regression / Naive Bayes Classifier
1. Generative vs Discriminative
1. Generative vs Discriminative
1. Check installed Open JDK
1. Sampling from a Probability Distribution
写这篇主要是因为我看到有些 measure 的定义用到了 $\delta$-ring.
Caution when you apply any or all on a one-column Boolean DataFrame, or you should never apply these 2 functions to such a DataFrame because it works differe...
1. Quick Facts On SNAP
再次提出这个问题是因为遇到了一个 “想在 function 中修改 list 内容” 的场景,而正确的写法应该是用 slice-then-assign:
合着按着我自己的思路才是最好理解的。PCA 的整个过程其实就是:寻找一个基变换 (change of basis),使得新坐标系内的 axes 的功效可以量化。这个量化的意思是,如果新坐标系内有 x’-axis 和 y’-axis,我可以明确地写出 $\frac{\operatorname{effect}(\te...