6 minute read

Q1: What is polymorphism, again?

ChatGPTClaude 都提到了:

  • compile-time (static) polymorphism: achieved through method overloading
  • runtime (dynamic) polymorphism: achieved through method overriding


那讨论 polymorphism 我们其实可以考虑 3 个问题:

  1. 主体是谁?
  2. 主体具有的 polymorphic forms (i.e. polymorphism) 有哪些?
  3. 主体具有的 polymorphic behaviors 有哪些?

对 compile-time (static) polymorphism 而言:

  1. 主体一般是 method (or method’s name)
  2. polymorphic forms 就是 overloaded methods
  3. polymorphic behaviors 就是 overloaded methods 的运行


public class Calculator {
    // Method to add two integers
    public int add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

    // Overloaded method to add three integers
    public int add(int a, int b, int c) {
        return a + b + c;

    // Overloaded method to add two doubles
    public double add(double a, double b) {
        return a + b;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Calculator calc = new Calculator();
        System.out.println(calc.add(5, 10));          // Calls 1st method (two ints)
        System.out.println(calc.add(5, 10, 15));      // Calls 2nd method (three ints)
        System.out.println(calc.add(5.5, 10.5));      // Calls 3rd method (two doubles)
  1. 主体是 add 这个 method (or method name)
  2. 它有 3 个 polymorphic forms (i.e. 3 个 method definition)
  3. 它有 3 个 polymorphic behaviors (i.e. 3 个运行逻辑)

对 runtime (dynamic) polymorphism 而言:

  1. 主体一般是 reference
  2. polymorphic forms 就是 reference’s declared type + actual type
  3. polymorphic behaviors 就是 dynamic binding (根据 actual type 确定具体要调用那个 method)


class Animal {
    // This method will be overridden in subclasses
    public void makeSound() {
        System.out.println("Some generic animal sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
    public void makeSound() {

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal myDog = new Dog();

        // Single dispatch in action
        myDog.makeSound();  // Prints "Bark!"
  1. 主体是 myDog
  2. polymorphic forms 即:myDog 虽然 declared 是 Animal,但 actual 是 Dog
  3. polymorphic behaviors 即:myDog 虽然 declared 是 Animal,但是能调用 Dog.makeSound()

Q2: What is binding?

谈到 polymorphism 时一定会提到 static (“early”) binding 和 dynamic (“late”) binding,但 binding 更广泛的意义是在 Name Lookup 层面的 (参 编译和链接)

这个问题我觉得 Sergey Kalinichenko 的回答 很好:

Most generally, “binding” is about associating an identifier to whatever it identifies, be it a method, a variable, or a type.

All bindings in Java are static (“early”) except for bindings of instance methods, which may be static or dynamic (“late”), depending on method’s accessibility.

所以,polymorphism context 下的 binding 一般指的都是 binding of instance methods:

  • static (“early”) binding (of instance methods):
    • happens at compile-time
    • (instance and method are) bound by compiler
    • compiler carries out binding based on instance’s declared type
  • dynamic (“late”) binding (of instance methods):
    • happens at runtime
    • (instance and method are) bound by runtime
    • runtime carries out binding based on instance’s actual type

Java 中具体哪些情况是 static binding?哪些是 dynamic binding?可以参考 Java 的 Single Dispatch 与 Override、Overload、Static Binding、Dynamic Binding

Q3: Does static (“early”) binding (of instance methods) always happen at compile-time?

Yes (should be)

Q4: Does dynamic (“late”) binding (of instance methods) always happen at runtime?

Yes (should be)


  • compile-time (static) polymorphism 使用 static (“early”) binding (of instance methods)
    • 需要时刻注意:存在 static binding of other things (e.g. instance fields) 和 static polymorphism 没有任何关系
  • runtime (dynamic) polymorphism 使用 dynamic (“late”) binding (of instance methods)

Q5: What is runtime then?

Java 的情况比较好理解:你在 JVM 中 compile,你在 JVM 中 run,所以 runtime 就是 JVM

C++ 的话:你有一个 compiler,所以 compile-time 就是 compilation 的 instance;但你在 OS 中运行,所以 runtime 应该可以认为是 OS + Runtime Lib 的结合体

Q6: What’s the relationship between dynamic (“late”) binding (of instance methods) and single dispatch?

我们在 Single Dispatch in Java and Python 有说:

single dispatch: 这个简写也简得太厉害了,其实是 dynamic dispatch on a single parameter

它们的名称里都有 dynamic,所以它们的关系有:

  • single dispatch 本质是个 dispatch strategy,一门 programming language 可以选择使用这个 strategy,也可以选择不使用它
  • single dispatch relies on dynamic binding
  • dynamic binding enables single dispatch

Q7: What’s the relationship between dynamic (“late”) binding (of instance methods) and virtual table (in C++)

vtable is C++’s implementation of dynamic binding

Java 的实现应该和 C++ 类似

Q8: What is RTTI?

RTTI == Run-Time Type Information/Identification. 简单说就是允许你在 runtime 时获取 object 的 (actual) type information. 叫 identification 也行,你 identify 的其实也就也是 object 的 type.

RTTI 是一个 feature of programming languages,这是个很高层面的概念,而不是一个具体的 mechanism

在 C++ 中,我们认为 typeiddynamic_cast 是 RTTI 的具体体现:

  • 因为 C++ 明确了说它有 RTTI,所以法理上你就应该是可以做 typeiddynamic_cast 这类的操作的
  • 如果 C++ 没有 typeiddynamic_cast 这类的操作,那你就很难说 C++ 有 RTTI
  • RTTI 并没有规定 typeiddynamic_cast 这类的操作具体要怎么实现。Again, RTTI is not a concrete mechanism

Q9: Is RTTI an exclusive thing in C++? Does Java have RTTI?

wikipedia 说 C++、Object Pascal、Ada 都有 RTTI,但鉴于后两者的流行程度,我们在讨论 RTTI 时,一般都是在 C++ 的 context 下。

那至于 “Java 有没有 RTTI ?” 这个问题,你貌似搜索不出一个统一的答案,但这其实不重要,因为我们可以搬出 (Run-Time) Type Introspection(Run-Time) Type Reflection 这两个更大的概念来讨论。(我不是很懂,这两个概念的名字往往是不带 runtime 字样的,但实际都在讨论 at runtime)

RTTI is a feature of progamming language, which means a language has ability at runtime:

  • to expose type information
  • to do basic type checking and type conversion

RTT Introspection (more broader than RTTI) means a language has extra ability at runtime:

  • to examine type information
  • to examine object properties
  • to check type relationships

RTT Reflection (more broader than Introspection) means a language has extra ability at runtime:

  • to modify object properties
  • to dynamically invoke methods
  • to dynamically create objects
  • to dynamically create types


  • Java 有一些 core language feature 和 RTTI 是一致的 (但名字不一定叫 RTTI)
  • Java 有 reflection 是比 RTTI 更 broader 的 feature
    • 有的材料说 Java 是有 reflection-based introspection,就 whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Q10: Does Java’s instanceof always happen at runtime?

在某些认为 “Java 有 RTTI” 的文章中,你会看到它们认为 instanceof 是 Java RTTI 的一种体现,就好比 C++ 中的 typeid

instanceof 的确也是用于 runtime type determination 的,但根据 wkl & Kirk Woll:

… if you were checking if x is an instanceof a concrete class, and the compiler can determine x’s type, then you will get an error at compile time.


import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;

class SerializableClass implements Serializable
   private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) {}
   private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) {}

class DerivedSerializableClass extends SerializableClass
   public static void main(String[] args)
      DerivedSerializableClass dsc = new DerivedSerializableClass();

      if (dsc instanceof DerivedSerializableClass) {} // fine
      if (dsc instanceof Serializable) {} // fine because check is done at runtime
      if (dsc instanceof String) {} // error because compiler knows dsc has no derivation from String in the hierarchy

      Object o = (Object)dsc;
      if (o instanceof DerivedSerializableClass) {} // fine because you made it Object, so runtime determination is necessary

Q11: How to determine if an operation happens at compile-time, or runtime?

除了记住一些铁律 (比如 static binding vs dynamic binding 那些) 之外,我们也提到过一个这么一个经验趋势:

  • compiler 在 compile-time 尽全力做它力所能及的事情
  • compiler 实在做不了的,再交给 runtime

比如我们站在 compiler 的角度 (i.e. 假设我自己是 compiler),考虑我在处理 Animal myDog = new Dog(); myDog.makeSound(); 时应该怎么做:

  • 你知,我知,compiler 肯定也可以知道,myDog 的 actual type 是 Dog 而不是 Animal
  • 但 compiler 能把 myDog 的 type 记录成 Animal 吗?它不能,因为你不知道后续你会不会写 myDog = new Cat(); 这样的代码
    • 可能存在某些 optimization 技术,比如:在确定 myDog object 不会 re-bind 到其他类型时,compiler 直接把 myDog 类型记录成 Dog,从而避免 dynamic binding 的 overhead。但这不是 general 的 case
  • 所以我作为一个 compiler 只能把 myDog 的 type 记录成 Animal,然后交给 runtime 去 dynamic binding

Q12: What’s the relationship between RTTI and dynamic (“late”) binding (of instance methods)?


我觉得我会产生 “它们有点联系” 的错觉,大概是因为以前看到有材料说 “可以用 downcast 来理解多态”,但这只是个比喻。dynamic binding 不需要做 type conversion.


class Base {
    virtual void foo() { std::cout << "Base foo" << std::endl; }
    virtual ~Base() {}

class Derived : public Base {
    void foo() override { std::cout << "Derived foo" << std::endl; }

int main() {
    Base* ptr = new Derived();

    // dynamic binding

    // 先 RTTI,然后 dynamic binding

    delete ptr;
    return 0;
  • ptr->foo(); 这一步不需要做 downcast,所以说 dynamic binding 和 RTTI 没有关系
  • dynamic_cast<Derived*>(ptr)->foo(); 这一步仍然是 dynamic binding,因为你 (as a compiler) 无法确定是否还有 class MoreDerived : public Derived

最后一个题外话:直接 dynamic_cast<Derived*>(ptr)->foo(); 这么写不推荐,更 safe 的写法是:

// dynamic_cast might return nullptr if the cast fails
Derived* derivedPtr = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(ptr);
if (derivedPtr) {
    derivedPtr->foo(); // Safe to call



