Escape Character / Control Character / Python Raw Strings / Python Bytes Literals
这么多年了,我终于决定要探一探这个 “escape” 到底是啥意思。看了一圈下来,这些概念虽然说不上是乱成一锅粥,但的确够喝一壶的了。
Escape / Escape Character
我们先看下 escape 的意思。根据 两仪识:为啥叫 escape character 呢?这里的 escape 如何理解比较好?:
你看键盘上的 Esc 键也是 Escape
这个键是 1960 年 IBM 码农 Bob Bemer 设计出来的,目的是在不同机器码之间切换
所以这些控制命令被称为 escape sequence
再后来控制命令越来越多,不一定是 Esc 键开始了,用\
于是用来表示 escape sequence 开始的那个字符就叫做 escape character
用 vim 举例子最好不过。参照 Vim Editor Modes Explained:
- 启动 vim 默认是 normal mode
- 此时按
可以移动 cursor,另有其他的一些定位的功能
- 此时按
- 在 normal mode 下按
进入 insert mode- 此外按
是 append mode
- 此外按
- 在 insert mode 下按
退出 insert mode,返回 normal mode - 在 normal mode 下按
进入 command mode
那这里 “按 Esc
” 就是 escape from the current mode 的意思。
因为 vim 只接收字符,我们可以把 vim 想象成一个 tokenizer,比如 vim 可能接收一串 iHello,world!<Esc>:wq
,它能很清楚地解析出中间那串 Hello,world!
normal mode | insert mode | normal mode | command mode |
i |
Hello, world! |
<Esc> |
:wq |
这个过程和 python string 的 tokenize 的过程是类似的。严谨一点,我们上 python string literal 的 lexical definitions:
stringliteral ::= [stringprefix](shortstring | longstring)
stringprefix ::= "r" | "u" | "R" | "U" | "f" | "F"
| "fr" | "Fr" | "fR" | "FR" | "rf" | "rF" | "Rf" | "RF"
shortstring ::= "'" shortstringitem* "'" | '"' shortstringitem* '"'
longstring ::= "'''" longstringitem* "'''" | '"""' longstringitem* '"""'
shortstringitem ::= shortstringchar | stringescapeseq
longstringitem ::= longstringchar | stringescapeseq
shortstringchar ::= <any source character except "\" or newline or the quote>
longstringchar ::= <any source character except "\">
stringescapeseq ::= "\" <any source character>
- The source character set is defined by the encoding declaration; it is
if no encoding declaration is given in the source file.
stringliteral ::= shortstring
shortstring ::= '"' shortstringitem* '"'
- 即只考虑无前缀的
- 限定只能使用
然后我们加上 leftquote
和 rightquote
这两种 term:
leftquote ::= '"'
rightquote ::= '"' # when leftquote is present
shortstring ::= leftquote shortstringitem* rightquote
stringliteral ::= shortstring
这么一来 "
, or -
, or -
也隶属于 source character)
看个例子。假设有一个 string "Hi!"
leftquote | shortstringchar* | rightquote |
" |
Hi! |
" |
\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{stringliteral} &= \operatorname{shortstring} \newline &= \operatorname{leftquote} + \operatorname{shortstringitem*} + \operatorname{rightquote} \newline &= \operatorname{leftquote} + \operatorname{shortstringchar*} + \operatorname{rightquote} \end{aligned}\]那如果我们需要在 stirng 内部显示一个 quote,就要避免它被识别成 leftquote
或者 rightquote
,换言之,我们要 make this quote escape from leftquote
or rightquote
我们可以通过在 string 内部给这个 quote 加上 escape character 来实现这个目的。比如 "Say \"Hi\""
leftquote | shortstringchar* | stringescapeseq | shortstringchar* | stringescapeseq | rightquote |
" |
Say |
\" |
Hi! |
\" |
" |
\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{stringliteral} &= \operatorname{shortstring} \newline &= \operatorname{leftquote} + \operatorname{shortstringitem*} + \operatorname{rightquote} \newline &= \operatorname{leftquote} + \operatorname{shortstringchar*} + \operatorname{stringescapeseq} + \operatorname{shortstringchar*} + \operatorname{stringescapeseq} +\operatorname{rightquote} \end{aligned}\]同理,如果我们定义:
escapecharacter ::= '\'
那么 \\
就是 make \
escape from escapecharacter
还有一类 escape sequence 是要 esacape from shortstringchar
term,比如 \n
, \r
, \t
这些行为联合起来,escape character \
的作用会被统一解释成:invokes an alternative interpretation on the following characters,但从 compiler 的角度来看,应该解释成:make the following character escape from being recognized as certain term:
: escape from being recognized as starting/ending quotes of strings -
: escape from being recognized as the escape character (有点绕)
: escape from being recognized as source characters
最后说下 “escape the character $c$” 这种句式。老实说,我觉得这句话语法上是讲不通的,因为 escape 这个词没有这种用法。我只能理解成老外把它引申成了:
- to put an escape character before $c$
- thus making $c$ escape from being recognized as…
Control Character
Control character 是一个相关的概念。根据 Wikipedia: Control character:
In computing and telecommunication, a control character or non-printing character (NPC) is a code point (a number) in a character set, that does not represent a written symbol. They are used as in-band signaling to cause effects other than the addition of a symbol to the text. All other characters are mainly printing, printable, or graphic characters, except perhaps for the “space” character (see ASCII printable characters).
那我最熟悉的就是 C 里的 \0
了。注意这里 \0
本质是一个 octal escape sequence,表示八进制的 0
Wikipedia: Escape character 又说:
Generally, an escape character is not a particular case of (device) control characters, nor vice versa.
In many programming languages, an escape character also forms some escape sequences which are referred to as control characters. For example, line break has an escape sequence of\n
- escape character 和 control character 最大的区别是:前者是 printable,后者是 non-printable
- 但是 escape sequence 可以是 non-printable 的,比如
- 某些 escape sequence 可以看做是一个 control character,比如
Raw Strings in Python
python 的 interpreter 有足够聪明,如果它遇到一个 stringescapeseq
,它会判断说这个到底是不是一个合法的 escape sequence,如果不是的话,它会自动 escape \
,比如下面的 \c
>>> "\a"
>>> "\b"
>>> "\c"
- 是不是很惊喜
都是 escape sequence?- 假如有个 Windows 的 path
C:\Program Files\apps
,你得写成"C:\Program Files\\apps"
不是 escape sequence) - 或者秉持 defensive programming 的原则,我们应该写成
"C:\\Program Files\\apps"
- 假如有个 Windows 的 path
- 至于哪些
是 escape sequence,这是 programming language 自己决定的,你也可以认为是 compiler/interpreter-specific 的
用 raw string 的好处就是:它天生 escape 了 \
。raw string 的 prefix 是 r
,所以 r
后面接的 shortstring|longstring
有一种 “所见即所想” 的效果,比如:
>>> r"\a"
>>> r"\b"
>>> r"\c"
>>> r"C:\Program Files\apps"
'C:\\Program Files\\apps'
主要还是用起来方便,免得你自己动手去 escape.
题外话:Bytes Literals in Python
bytesliteral ::= bytesprefix(shortbytes | longbytes)
bytesprefix ::= "b" | "B" | "br" | "Br" | "bR" | "BR" | "rb" | "rB" | "Rb" | "RB"
shortbytes ::= "'" shortbytesitem* "'" | '"' shortbytesitem* '"'
longbytes ::= "'''" longbytesitem* "'''" | '"""' longbytesitem* '"""'
shortbytesitem ::= shortbyteschar | bytesescapeseq
longbytesitem ::= longbyteschar | bytesescapeseq
shortbyteschar ::= <any ASCII character except "\" or newline or the quote>
longbyteschar ::= <any ASCII character except "\">
bytesescapeseq ::= "\" <any ASCII character>
类似,但是一定要有 1 个bytesprefix