Python: try-except-else-finally
Python 的 try-except-finally 和 Java 的 try-catch-finally 其实是一样的,烦就烦在中间那个 else 上:
Python 的 try-except-finally 和 Java 的 try-catch-finally 其实是一样的,烦就烦在中间那个 else 上:
In Java, this is wrong and you cannot even compile:
Usually this job is done in R, as deescribed in Using R + Bioconductor to Get Flanking Sequence Given Genomic Coordinates. An R sample could be this simple:
Just take a look at an exemplar output and you’ll know what they are designed for.
需要注意的是:one-hot encoding 应该是 binary encoding 的特殊情况。one-hot 的意思就是:只有一个 bit 是高位(1);类似还有 one-cold encoding
1. Introduction to Information Theory
From stackoverflow: What do the terms “CPU bound” and “I/O bound” mean?: