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VS Code Docker: cannot build from local images

1 minute read

当你的 Dockerfile 是 FROM 一个 local image,然后你在 VS Code 里右键你的 Dockerfile 再 Build Image...,你可能会看到这样一个 error:

What is REST?

7 minute read

1. What does REST mean literally?

Is JSON a string?

less than 1 minute read

我写这篇的起因来自于这个灵魂拷问 Is JSON a string? 我觉得这又是个老外瞎用词导致的误解。

Python: play with backslashes

3 minute read

最近研究 regular expression 顺便补了下 escape 的课 (参 Escape Character / Control Character / Python Raw Strings / Python Bytes Literals),然后我今天就发现了 python 光一个 escape cha...

Git: How to sync a fork

less than 1 minute read

Configure an upstream remote for your fork, following Configuring a remote for a fork. Sync your fork to the upstream remote, following Syncing a fork.