SICP: Recursion vs Iteration
SICP 的 Section 1.2.1 Linear Recursion and Iteration 着重强调了 “无论是 recursive process 还是 iterative process,写出来都是 recursive procedure”,但其实只需要稍微归纳一下,”procedure vs p...
SICP 的 Section 1.2.1 Linear Recursion and Iteration 着重强调了 “无论是 recursive process 还是 iterative process,写出来都是 recursive procedure”,但其实只需要稍微归纳一下,”procedure vs p...
感谢作者王炳明写了这么多内容。这本《Python黑魔法手册》语言平实,举例得当。虽然前面有些简单的 “黑魔法” 我看来也就是 “茴香豆的四种写法”,但后面高级的、有趣的内容也不少,这里摘一摘。
1. Name Binding / Name Resolution / Variable / Indentifier / Value / Reference
Quiz 1
0. 文字游戏
1. enumerate(start=0)
Simply because generators/itertors would drain.