Python: Query reference sequences using rpy2 and BSgenome
Usually this job is done in R, as deescribed in Using R + Bioconductor to Get Flanking Sequence Given Genomic Coordinates. An R sample could be this simple:
# 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19' requires 'BSgenome'
# Then 'BSgenome' requires 'Biostrings'
# `getSeq` is actually a 'Biostrings' function
# S4 method for signature 'BSgenome'
# getSeq(x, names, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, strand="+", as.character=FALSE)
# See
one_seq <- getSeq(Hsapiens, "chr1", 10001, 10005, NA, "+", TRUE)
two_seq <- getSeq(Hsapiens, c("chr1", "chr1"), c(10001, 20001), c(10005, 20005), c(NA, NA), c("+", "+"), TRUE)
Suppose you have all related R libraries installed (well, you can install bioconductor with rpy2
if you like). If you want to do this in python for various reasons, it is feasible although things may be a little bit complicated:
import rpy2.rinterface as rinterface
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
bs_genome = importr('BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19')
# You need to import 'Biostrings' explicitly
# Loading 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19' won't load 'Biostrings' automatically
bio_strings = importr('Biostrings')
# Note that:
# - `getSeq` is actually a 'Biostrings' function
# - `as.character` is not a legal parameter name in python
# - `NA` in R, `rinterface.NA_Integer` in `rpy2`
# - `robjects.XxxVector` accepts tuples, not lists
# - `getSeq` returns a list even if there is only one element
one_seq = bio_strings.getSeq(bs_genome.Hsapiens, "chr1", 10001, 10005, rinterface.NA_Integer, "+", True)
two_seq = bio_strings.getSeq(bs_genome.Hsapiens,
robjects.StrVector(("chr1", "chr1")),
robjects.IntVector((10001, 20001)),
robjects.IntVector((10005, 20005)),
robjects.IntVector((rinterface.NA_Integer, rinterface.NA_Integer)),
robjects.StrVector(("+", "+")),
print(one_seq[0]) # TAACC
print(two_seq[0]) # GGTTA
print(two_seq[1]) # CCTGG