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C++: function object 里我们提到了 bind1st()bind2nd(),C++11 里已经 deprecated 了,我们看下新标准的 bind() 的用法:

#include <iostream>     // for std::cout
#include <functional>   // for std::bind

// a function: (also works with function object: std::divides<double> my_divide;)
double my_divide (double x, double y) {
    return x/y;

struct MyPair {
    double a,b;
    double multiply() {
        return a*b;

int main () {
    using namespace std::placeholders;    // adds visibility of _1, _2, _3,...

    // binding functions:
    auto fn_five = std::bind (my_divide,10,2);               // fn_five() = my_divide(10, 2)
    std::cout << fn_five() << '\n';                          // output: 5

    auto fn_half = std::bind (my_divide,_1,2);               // fn_half(x) = my_divide(x, 2)
    std::cout << fn_half(10) << '\n';                        // output: 5

    auto fn_invert = std::bind (my_divide,_2,_1);            // fn_invert(x, y) = my_divide(y, x)
    std::cout << fn_invert(10,2) << '\n';                    // output: 0.2

    auto fn_rounding = std::bind<int> (my_divide,_1,_2);     // fn_rounding(x, y) = (int)my_divide(x, y)
    std::cout << fn_rounding(10,3) << '\n';                  // output: 3

    MyPair ten_two {10,2};

    // binding members:
    auto bound_member_fn = std::bind (&MyPair::multiply,_1); // bound_member_fn(x) = x.multiply()
    std::cout << bound_member_fn(ten_two) << '\n';           // output: 20

    auto bound_member_data = std::bind (&MyPair::a,ten_two); // bound_member_data() = ten_two.a
    std::cout << bound_member_data() << '\n';                // output: 10

    return 0;

注意 placeholder _1_2 这些是对 bind 所产生的新函数而言的,比如 auto fn_half = std::bind (my_divide,_1,2); 这里的 _1 其实指的是 “fn_half 的第一个参数”,并不是指 “把 my_divide 的第一个参数绑定为 2”。换言之,有几个 placeholder,bind 所产生的新函数就有几个参数。



