C++ Lambda Expression
- C++ Primer, 5th Edition
- What is a lambda expression in C++11?
- Understanding Lambda-Capture
- Lambda functions (since C++11)
我们在 C++: function object 里已经见识过了 function object 了。而实际上可以称为 callable expression 的技术有 4 种:
- function
- function pointer
- function object
- lambda expression
而 lambda expression 简单来说可以理解为 anonymous function object,不仅写起来比较简单(有时候为了个小功能而去单独写个 function object 也是蛮蛋疼的),而且功能上也强大了不少。它的形式是(完全体有点复杂,参 Lambda functions (since C++11)):
[capture-list] (parameter-list) -> returnType { function-body }
[capture-list] (parameter-list) { function-body } // Only if returnType can be deduced from return statements
[capture-list] { function-body } // If parameter-list is void, you can omit the parenthese
-> returnType
就是 C++: 6 things you must know about functions 里提到的 Trailing Return Type。不写的话,编译器会根据 return 语句来推断 returnType。By default, if a lambda body contains any statements other than a return(这句的意思是:如果 body 除了 return 外还包含了其他的语句), that lambda is assumed to return void.
defines what from the outside of the lambda should be available inside the function body and how. It can be either:
- empty:
- a value:
- a reference:
- any variable currently in scope by reference:
- same as 3, but by value:
- mixed form:
- one by value and another by reference:
[x, &y]
- all by reference except
by value:[&,y]
- all by value except
by reference:[=,&x]
- etc.
- one by value and another by reference:
我们照搬 C++: function object 里 gt15
的例子,用 1) function, 2) function object, 3) standard function object, 4) lambda 这四种方法实现,对比下效果:
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
bool gt15(int x) {
return x > 15;
class Gt {
int than;
Gt(int than) : than(than) {}
bool operator()(int x) { // 注意语法
return x > than;
int main() {
int a[] = { 10, 20, 30 };
const size_t SIZE = sizeof a / sizeof a[0];
/***** a) by function *****/
remove_copy_if(a, a + SIZE,
ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"),
gt15); // output: 10
/***** b) by function object *****/
// You can also make an object first and pass it in
// Gt gt15(15);
remove_copy_if(a, a + SIZE,
ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"),
Gt(15)); // output: 10
/***** c) by standard function object *****/
remove_copy_if(a, a + SIZE,
ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"),
bind2nd(greater<int>(), 15)); // output: 10
/***** d) by lambda expression *****/
// You can also make an object first and pass it in
auto gt15 = [](const int& x) {
return x > 15;
remove_copy_if(a, a + SIZE,
ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"),
[](const int& x) {
return x > 15;
}); // output: 10
Returning lambdas
另外 We can also return a lambda from a function. Just use std::function
, to which lambda functions are convertible, as ReturnType:
std::function<int (int)> retFun() {
return [](int x) { return x; };
Mutable Lambdas
By default, a lambda may not change the value of a variable that it captures by value. If we want to be able to change the value of a captured variable, we must follow the parameter list with the keyword mutable
. Lambdas that are mutable may not omit the parameter list:
void fcn3() {
size_t v1 = 42; // local variable
// 注意此时 v1 的值已经 copy 进来了,所以下面 v1 = 0 并不会影响 j == 43
// 如果这里是 [&v1],那么就会有 j == 1
auto f = [v1] () mutable { return ++v1; };
v1 = 0;
auto j = f(); // j is 43