What is the epigenome?
摘自 Genetic Home Reference - Handbook。
摘自 Genetic Home Reference - Handbook。
Cell Cell wall (细胞壁) Membrane (细胞膜): [ˈmembreɪn] Cytoplasm (细胞质): [ˈsaɪtəʊplæzəm], the contents of a cell except for the nucleus, ...
taxonomy: [tækˈsɒnəmi], 分类学 taxonomic: [ˌtæksə’nɒmɪk] taxon: [ˈtæksɔn], a taxonomic group or category taxa: [‘tæksə], plural of taxon
总结自 Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp
1. The C beneath R
P.S. It was 2015 when the 1st edition of this book came out and I wrote this post. Now Hadley Wickham is working on the 2nd edition where a lot contents chan...
在查 non-parametric tests 时,Wikipedia 上提到了 Non-parametric models,于是干脆就记录一下。参考 Wikipedia: Parametric model。